Layazero's Stats
It's unclear wheather this holographic planet is real or an illusion. Layazeroes draw striength from holographic desighns.
The Layazeroian race was a lost people of floating dots looking for a home. They found an inhospitible rock, and by combinging their small holographic technology with wiral's circutry, they created a false atmosphere and a holographic world and bodies. The dot in the center of the body is actually the person and the whole body is a hologram. Layazeroes and Yoojics switch false bodies to confuse enemies in battle.
Illusionists: Shared with two other layazeroes.
It's unclear wheather this holographic planet is real or an illusion. Layazeroes draw striength from holographic desighns.
The Layazeroian race was a lost people of floating dots looking for a home. They found an inhospitible rock, and by combinging their small holographic technology with wiral's circutry, they created a false atmosphere and a holographic world and bodies. The dot in the center of the body is actually the person and the whole body is a hologram. Layazeroes and Yoojics switch false bodies to confuse enemies in battle.
Illusionists: Shared with two other layazeroes.